
Long Term Disability Insurance Lawyer Blog


Judge’s description of Insurer’s doctors review “puzzling,” “disingenuous” and even “dishonest.”

This ProPublica article could just as well be talking about long term disability insurance cases. Insurers continue to rely on doctors whose judgments have been criticized by courts In dozens of cases ProPublica reviewed, judges found that some doctors working for these companies engaged in “selective readings” of medical…


Long Term Disability Benefits and Other Income Offsets

Almost every group long term disability insurance policy contains wording allowing the insurance company to reduce the monthly benefit it pays by any other income the disabled person receives. The most common other income is social security disability. The practical effect can be seen in the following example: Annual Income:…



SMDA  recently helped a registered nurse obtain a favorable settlement of her claim for long term disability insurance resulting from her significant orthopedic spine problems.  Our client had worked as a registered nurse for a local hospital system for more than two decades. As anyone in the nursing business knows-nursing…


Long Term Disability Denial-Claimants’ rights

ProPublica recently filed a very well sourced article on the lengths health insurers will take to deny coverage in order to preserve profits. When a claim is denied you as the claimant have certain rights. As the article explains this includes the right to obtain a copy of the…


Residency v. Domicile: Why It Matters in a Non No-Fault World

By Darren K. Legato, Serafini, Michalowski, Derkacz & Associates, PC Michigan Courts have spent an exorbitant amount of time discussing the issue of “Domicile” versus “Residency,” though it seems almost all of it recently has centered around claims for Personal Protection Insurance (“PIP”) benefits and the order of priority for payment…


SMDA helps Disabled Dentist recover on IDI Policy

SMDA was recently able to help a disabled dentist recover on his individual disability insurance policy after his claim for total disability benefits was denied.  The LTD insurer had denied his claim when it discovered that he had opened a small tap room/eatery.  SMDA was able to convince the disability…


LTD Insurer’s repayment request results in significant recovery for disabled Physician.

SMDA was contacted by a physician to evaluate a repayment request by a well known Long Term Disability Insurer.  The doctor had been diagnosed with a medical condition which interfered with the surgical aspects of his practice.  The disability insurer convinced the doctor that he was only residually disabled and…


CIGNA agrees to overturn Long Term Disability claim denial decision

The attorneys at SMDA were recently able to get Cigna (Life Insurance Company of North America) to overturn the claim denial decision for Long Term Disability insurance benefits for a client who had developed significant and progressive cognitive problems. The client underwent neuropsychiatric testing which confirmed a number of impairments…


SMDA gets LTD claim reinstated

SMDA was recently able to get Long Term Disability insurance benefits reinstated for a client who had developed significant orthopedic spine problems.  The client had last worked at a sedentary job for an engineering firm.  The Disability insurance company (Reliance Standard) had initially approved and paid benefits for more than…

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