
Long Term Disability Insurance Lawyer Blog


Court cites First Unum’s deception in granting attorney’s claim for disability benefits

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals cited First Unum’s deception as one of the grounds for granting an attorney’s claim for long term disability insurance benefits. In McCauley v First Unum the Court the Court cited several isntances of biased and deceptive claims review in granting McCauley’s claim for disability…


Insurer Stretches the bounds of reality to deny claims

As reported in the Houston Chronicle Great American Insurance Company is trying to avoid paying claims for the deaths of multiple people killed in a fire in an office building by arguing that their deaths were actually caused by smoke inhallation which is “pollution.” This despite the fact that the…


More Supreme Court-Candidate Falesly claims WSJ Ranking

Justice Taylor Falsely Claims Wall Street Journal Backing In what turns out to be a desperate campaign strategy, Justice Taylor has been claiming that the Wall Street Journal said the Michigan Supreme Court under his leadership is the best in the nation. Guess what-this claim is totally false!!! If you…


Standard of Review sinks surgeons claim for Long Term Disability Insurance Benefits

Dr. Ghandi Gutta filed a claim for Long Term Disability Insurance when he was no longer able to continue his practice as a laparoscopic surgeon due to multiple medical conditions. When his definition of disability changed to “any occupation” at the end of two years his insurer, Standard Select, terminated…


More Supreme Court Analysis-Justice Taylor Protects the City of Detroit after 6 children die in a fire.

Think a landlord has a duty to fix the electrical wiring in a home. What about if the tenant repeatedly tells the landlord that the electrical outlet sparks and smokes. What if the landlord ignores the tenants repeated complaints and there is a fire which results in the death of…


More Supreme Court Analysis-Justice Taylor plays word games to prevent families of patients killed by malpractice from ever bringing lawsuits.

If your loved one dies as a result of bad medical care, but lives for more than two years, do you think you can still sue the doctor who provided the poor care? Not in Michigan. Not anymore The Taylor led supreme court in Wickens v Oakwood Healthcare System, 465…


More Supreme Court Analysis-Justice Taylor sets back woman’s rights and expands protections for Sexual Harassers and Sexual Predators

Think you should be able to sue a rapist no matter how long it takes to catch him? Think gender based discrimination is actionable? Think your employer has an ongoing responsibility to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace? Not in Michigan. Not anymore. Trentadue v Buckler Automatic Lawn Sprinkler Co…


More Supreme Court Analysis-Justice Taylor practically eliminates the governments responsibility to maintain safe roads.

Think the State has a duty to fix a defective traffic light? How about a defective guardrail? Broken stop sign? A bridge which is falling apart and dropping broken concrete onto traffic? Think again. Not in Michigan. Not anymore. In Nawrocki v Macomb Co Road Commn, 463 Mich 143 (2000).…

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